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publications books — non-fiction


Help: Rescues & Disasters book cover

ISBN 1-55153-909-8



Help!: Rescues & Disasters in Western Canada

transparent gifHelp! is a unique view of the history of western Canada. Presented as a series of newspaper headlines and reports, it is the story of those who survived and triumphed through a multitude of natural and human-made disasters — as well as of those courageous souls who were instrumental in coming to their rescue.

...presented in a journalist style and told as if written on the date it occurred...a quick reference to an interesting subject.
transparent gif — History NOW
, Chinook Branch, Historical Society of Alberta


Currently not available


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web site revised: Dec 2, 2016   |   copyright: © Faye Reineberg Holt   |   photographs: W.H. Holt   |  

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