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publications books — non-fiction

Settling In: Early Home of Western Canada  book cover

ISBN 978-1-55059-418-8




Settling In: Early Homes of Western Canada

transparent gifThis fascinating history showcases the phenomenal range of dwellings and homes dotting the West from the early days to the end of the Second World War. Through photos and text readers discover the challenges of building early homes, as well as popular construction methods and styles for these homes. First Nations, penniless settlers and wealthy entrepreneurs erected homes that reflected accomplishment and adaption. Teepees and forts, soddies and missions, log cabins and prefabricated homes, mansions and multifamily tenements were all part of the dramatic and diverse stories of settling the West. The range of cultures and lifestyles, construction methods and materials meant early architecture was as diverse as the geography and people themselves.

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web site revised: Jun 11, 2024   |   copyright: © Faye Reineberg Holt   |   photographs: W.H. Holt   |  

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