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Faye & Policeman in Seattle
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Western Men, Women and The Famous
Five (Presentation Gr. 7 up)
Women’s roles and rights
were changed by Canada's Famous Five women. That meant changes for men, too.
From gaining the vote to serving in government, these and other women helped
create a new Canada and a new West. Two of the Famous Five, Emily Murphy and
Nellie McClung, were writers in their own right. Along with Henrietta Muir
Edwards, Louise McKinney and Irene Parlby, they inspired their
contemporaries and will inspire today’s young people with their work in
writing, art, social welfare and government. Having researched & written
about all five and many other western Canadian women, Faye shares their
stories and how they impacted our lives.
Pencil (Workshop/Individual Gr. 7-12)
Whether organizers prefer
blue pencil workshops with groups under 10, meetings with individual
students or both, Faye offers her feedback & help on student projects in any
genre except drama and film scripts. The intent is to help students discover
how they might use language more effectively in stories, poetry, essays, or
Whose Story Is It? (Writing
Workshop Gr. 7-12) In crafting true and
fictional stories, the most important decision you make is who tells the
tale. Discover how changing the narrator and “point of view” leads to
entirely different stories—perhaps an even better ones! With tips and
examples from her own writing, Faye will demonstrate the power of point of
view as a writing tool. Then, students have the opportunity to begin
drafting a story. What is left? Why sharing the story!
War &
Remembrance (Presentation Gr. 7-12) War is a theme throughout
our literature & history. But researching, writing & talking about war can
be disturbing-especially in our multicultural nation. How men & women have
served their country includes military service but other roles, too. Some
have become heroes; others served on the home front & still others have
endured prejudice, even in Canada. Faye's comments & photos explore the
Stories of Our Own Heroes & Heroines (Presentation Gr. 7-12) Heroes and heroines are
created in challenging situations. Often, students are surprised by the
amazing and sometimes tragic men and women in western Canada’s past.
Unearthing such true stories means research, even reading pictures. Students
learn what it takes to make a hero and the difference between risky
behaviour and heroism.
Let’s Talk: Interviews Made Almost Easy (Presentation & Activity
Gr. 7-12) Interviewing people to get the stories you want or
information you need requires a methodical approach, and informed mind & a
creative, listening spirit. Faye’s “talking points” include practical
techniques, and of course, practice makes perfect. So, expect that the
interactions will be interesting and perhaps, even surprising.
Fact, Fiction & Heart (Presentation &
Workshop Gr. 10-12)
The same heroic or tragic
story may inspire fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Also, it can be treated
using different tones—some humorous, some serious. Writers and filmmakers
even adapt true stories as documentaries, creative nonfiction or movies. And
such adaptions appeal to different audiences. Student readers and writers
are encouraged to explore options. Content is based on the author's work,
but then the fun of writing and the creativity of students take centre
Captivating Characters Writing Workshop (Grades 7-12)
Characters? Characters!
Our real and imagined worlds are filled with fascinating people. We meet
them, read about them, see them on TV and in movies. Plus we can create them
for our stories. Writers, readers and viewers are drawn to characters, but
what makes them live in our memories and imaginations? In this workshop,
students discover and create wonderful characters. Then, there is time to
convey and share those amazing personalities with others. Expect talk,
writing and sharing characters–real or imagined.
Not Just a Journal (Presentation Gr.
7-12) With Facebook and social networking, journals and
journalism have entered into a new era. Since the media has revolutionized
communication, this workshop focuses on ways of sharing ideas. Whether work
takes the shape of traditional personal essays, blogs or Facebook entries,
the best writers learn to see with the eyes of artists or they address the
world with the analytical approach of the “old fashioned journalist.” Also,
discussion focus on what to disclose or not disclose.
Writer's Process - A Writer's Life
(Presentation Gr. 7-12)
What's it like being a
writer? How do you know whether you should write poetry, short stories,
novels, articles or non-fiction books? Where do you find ideas? How do you get started? What do
you do when you are stuck and can't finish a story? What's it like having
your work edited and published? Listen, view, talk & learn.
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